
Ready for 2D Codes and GS1 Digital Link? 5 Key Considerations for Your RFP

November 15, 2024

As your company prepares for Sunrise 2027 and the transition to 2D codes at checkout—or readies itself for the European Union’s Digital Product Passport initiative—2027 marks a pivotal moment for digital product identities. With only a few years remaining, brands that have been waiting on the sidelines must act now to adopt this transformative technology. 

If you’re ready to get started, this guide is for you. Industry expert Dom Guinard shares five essential factors to consider when choosing a solutions provider for your transition to 2D codes and the GS1 Digital Link. 

1. A GS1 Digital Link Is Much More Than a QR Code 

The shift to 2D codes isn’t about adding simple QR codes to your products—it’s about creating a digital identity platform for retail. The GS1 Digital Link standard enables product packaging to serve as a standardized trigger for countless applications: 

  • Faster, seamless checkout. 

  • Capturing provenance data along the supply chain. 

  • Managing recalls and expiry-based pricing. 

  • Enhancing accessibility for visually impaired consumers. 

  • Boosting e-commerce visibility. 

  • Supporting product authentication and recycling initiatives. 

When selecting a tech partner, prioritize providers offering a product identity platform over a basic QR code generator. Key features to look for include: 

  • Support for batch-level and serialized identities for futureproofing. 

  • Integration of GS1 identifiers and attributes (e.g., GTIN, GLN, expiry dates). 

  • Advanced GS1 Digital Link capabilities like link types. 

  • Optimization of QR code size (compression, encoding). 

  • Compatibility with diverse data carriers, such as digital watermarks, NFC, and RFID. 

  • Customizable data models for evolving use cases.  

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A GS1 Digital Link example: web URLs for products can go far above and beyond just a product number (GTIN).

2. Own Your Data—and Use It 

2D codes with embedded web addresses create unprecedented opportunities for brands to connect directly with customers. However, many low-cost QR code platforms retain ownership of scan data. 

Ensure your chosen solution provider allows you to own your data and provides robust analytics to derive actionable insights. The ability to export data across platforms will further amplify the value of these insights. 

3. Ensure Compliance with Standards 

GS1 Digital Link is an open standard, reducing reliance on any single technology provider. Ensure your partner adheres to GS1 standards, including: 

  • GS1 Web URI syntax. 

  • GS1-conformant resolver functionality. 

Compliance ensures your product identities remain portable and fully integrated into the broader GS1 Digital Link ecosystem—essential for checkout, regulatory adherence, and digital opportunities. 

4. Use Your Own Branded Domain 

To avoid vendor lock-in, your GS1 Digital Link web addresses should use your company’s domain, not a service provider’s. This ensures: 

  • Independence if your partner goes out of business. 

  • Protection against security threats like “QR phishing” (quishing). 

Avoid default domains like, as they primarily serve legacy compatibility needs. Using your branded domain enhances trust and aligns with your company’s digital identity strategy. 

5. Choose an Experienced, Enterprise-Ready Partner 

The rise of regulations like the ESPR and the impending Sunrise 2027 has sparked innovation in the digital identity market. While competition fosters progress, global brands need partners with established enterprise platforms to mitigate risks and ensure security. 

Look for solution providers with proven experience managing large-scale deployments for global brands. Established platforms are better equipped to handle the complexities of 2D code adoption. 


Transitioning to 2D codes isn’t just about compliance; it’s an opportunity to unlock new value across your business. By carefully selecting a GS1 Digital Link platform, your brand can embrace the future of retail with confidence. 

At Digimarc, we’ve delivered digital identities for millions of SKUs and billions of products over 15+ years. As a pioneer of the GS1 Digital Link standard, we’ve partnered with global brands like Ralph Lauren, Patagonia, Puma, AstraZeneca, Reckitt, and Unilever to achieve successful large-scale deployments. 

We’d love to help you on your journey. Contact us to learn more. 

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